Things to do and not while dating an older woman – Cougar Dating

Cougar dating is trending high these days only because of cougar dating online websites and apps. But just like other dating, in cougar dating, there are too some rules and you have to follow those rules if you want to make your cougar date a successful. 
Here are few things that you must do while dating a cougar woman and also listed few things that you must not do or say to you cougar woman if you want a success in your cougar date.

Things you must do while dating a cougar woman

Make her feel that you truly love and mad for her – if you really want to date an older woman for long than it’s quite important to make her realize that you are the only one who truly loves her and you are mad about her. Belongs to someone special and be a special for someone is quite an amazing feeling that anyone can have when they are in a relationship. You have to make her feel the same about you and explore your love in ways to impress her not only in bed but with your love, care and attention too

Make the environment full of fun – when you are with her, don’t be always in serious mood and make yourself easy going and cheer her. You must make the environment full of happiness and fun.

Know what she like the most – every person has some interest and likes that they can do anytime. Know the interests or like of your cougar woman and take participate in this. This will help you in creating a healthy, effective and stronger bond between you and your cougar woman and that leads to long term relationship.

Love her – at last, love is the only thing that builds a strong connection between you and your cougar woman. Love her as she is the only one for you and you can’t live without her. Be a mad and show your wildness and true passion toward her while making love or going intimate in bed. To bring the more excitement in bed and in your sexual relationship, include bed games as well if necessary and if she is feeling insecure in getting naked in room because there are wrinkles and aged body marks are visible in her body, let her know that you are beautiful and you truly love her.

Things you must not do while dating a cougar woman: 

Be a man, don’t show your childish behavior – Cougar woman are mature one and they expect some sort of maturity from their dating partner too. So it’s quite mandatory to behave like a real man and never be act like a child.

Never force her for anything, especially for long term relationship – most cougar women are only looking for casual dating and not for long term relationship. If your cougar woman wants the same from you, never force her for long term relationship.